The plan
for the week was to fish as big fish as the weather allowed each day. Because
the weather was not the best outside Mehamn during the week we trailed our
three Dolmoys to one of the big fjords. It is really great that even when it’s
really much wind we can almost always find shelter somewhere around the
peninsula! With us these days we had our new big boat, the Minor 34. During the
week the guests caught 15 halibuts where the biggest was 140cm (40-43 kilos).
Now at late season the halibuts are really fat so we have to estimate how much
heavier they are then on the halibut length/weight list. We add between 5-15%
depending how much fatter they looks. Also this week we caught two really nice
cods, one 17 kilos and one 15 kilos fjord cod. That means that these cods are
local in the fjord and stays there all their lives. the 17 kilos cod was caught on Mieko predator tail and the other one with pilk.
We also
went out with our biggest boat Odd Tore one morning from Mehamn to fish for
cod! The group caught a lot of different species and a couple of big cods, the
biggest cod for the day were about 10 kilos.
On our way out on Barents Sea!
The first halibut!
17 kilos cod!
Another halibut on the line!
And here it is.
Beautiful panorama!
Artur with the biggest halibut this week, 140cm!
Unfortunately this halibut was to injured to release.
(Usually we release all halibuts bigger then 120cm/20kilo)
Out with Odd Tore!
During 5 minutes a sea eagle was flying around the boat!
Yet another halibut on!
And here it is in the boat.
15 kilos cod!