Today John and
Peter where out one halibut fishing and already a minute in on the first drift
john first lost a halibut then ten minutes later hooked on that was measured to
118cm (20 kilo according to the halibut list). On the next drift John had a
small halibut following his jig all the way up to the boat and then stroked,
after five seconds on the hook it went loose and surprisingly enough it stayed
and played with the jig. John gave the rod to Peter and after the halibut had
played with the jig it decided to strike and this time I was stuck. On a couple
of drifts later peter lost two halibuts and then succeeded to bring a 90cm
(8,7kilo) in to the boat. On the next drift Peter got a really heavy bite on
his Predator Tail. After a hard fight we brought the great halibut into the
boat and measured it to 140 cm (37,5 kilo). All halibuts where released back to
grow bigger!
Later this week we will release a short video of this days
The first halibut of the day.
Peter vs the great halibut
And here it is!
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